Hello! Thanks for checking out my website!

Don't really have too much to say here, but some of my main interests (and what I'll probably predominately write about) are music, literature, videogames, and computers (though I don't really do any coding).

Music is probably my main outlet. The main music I listen to is rock/metal, and many many of their subgenres (prog rock/metal, folk-rock, indie/alt-rock) and subgenres of those subgenres. Though I really can find something I like in almost every genre.
I play a few instruments, the one I'm the best at is the Euphonium and brass instruments in general, but I also play some piano and guitar. I've played these since middle school.

A little list of my favorite videogames and game series includes Metal Gear, Silent Hill, Devil May Cry (as well as stuff from Platinum Games), Resident Evil, Halo, Starcraft, The Elder Scrolls, Fallout, Pokemon, Fromsoft games, Final Fantasy (and a lot of other Square JRPGs), and Mother.

Maybe you'll find some of this stuff interesting.

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